
Finding a suitable housing with resonable rent price is not easy near the campus areas for most universities; though it gets cheaper as one gets far away.

Istanbul is one of the most historical and beautiful cities in Turkey. There are ample universities at different cornenrs of the city, in addition, most of the them provide courses using English as a medium of instruction. The society is very friendly especially for foreigners. There is also a well established transportation system.

Absence of dormitory/ housing facility and kindergarten for kids of graduate students.

Student service, registrar service, internet and unıversıty portal services, sport and leisure-time facilities, green park areas and library, free bus service inside the campus and student cafeteria.

Because, I have been interested in Hydrology and Water resources Management and Engineering science since my bachelor study. It is the science that studies one of the most important substance in our life, i.e. Water, without-which life is impossible. So being able to manage and engineer this precious resource is vital for our survival in this world.

As a foreigner, I have come to know that Istanbul Technical University is one of the most preferable universities in Turkey. There are many reasons that:
1. First of all, there is a diversified mix of international students with different cultural background which makes it quite easy to make new friends (both for Turkish and foreign students).
2. The first office I have visited in the ITU Maslak campus was the registrar (Graduate students section) and I have found them to be very helpful and cooperative that I finished my registration with little complication (I am very thankful for that).
3. I have come to know that the University staff profile is also well established and it is easy for a graduate student to get a promoter on his/her field of interest.
4. There is a diversified social, leisure and student activities for those students interested to take-part in.
5. It is my advise for those students who are interested to persue their study using English as a medium of instruction to assume Istanbul Technical University as one of the most convenient places in Turkey.

Benzer Kişiler

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