
İnsan Kaynakları alanında çalışmayı düşünen yeni mezun ve öğrencilere tavsiyeleriniz nelerdir?

Serena Rahme
Serena Rahme
Head of People & Performance, Kraft Heinz

One, is to define what is it that they want and two to understand more about the HR function and that is why internships are extremely important. You should not just wait till your last year of studies in order to do your internship, you can do your internship from your second year, third year that will give you a better understanding. Another advice that I would give them is when they are doing their internships, to take advantage really of the time and the opportunity that this organization is giving to them and in order to not just do the job that they are there to do or the project complete the project but to interact with people and understand what is it that they do. Lastly for anyone who would like to start to create an HR, my personal advice, start by the recruitment function in an HR world. I think this is the best the gateway in order to understand the HR function but also to understand the business partnership because when you start matching the role and the person the right talent then you are on the right track.

Bu metin otomatik olarak oluşturulmuştur. Hataları bildirerek geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz.

Bu soruya verilmiş 7 cevap daha var.