
İnsan Kaynakları alanında çalışmanın sizi tatmin eden yanları nelerdir?

Serena Rahme
Serena Rahme
Head of People & Performance, Kraft Heinz

Human resources has the function itself has changed over the years so it started initially as an admin role and then it evolved to be what is called personnel and then came the new wave of human resources and today what really excites me about this function let's say is that it's a real business partnership, is that you can see working in human resources, you can see the changes, you can witness the changes even after so many years and you can see the achievements that you have done across the years when you for example work on developing a certain leader which is part of the talent management and talent development and then you see this leader after so many years becoming the CEO of a company or the CFO or any let's say that has any leadership role that is the real excitement of it and this is what what makes me proud of working in Human Resources.

Bu metin otomatik olarak oluşturulmuştur. Hataları bildirerek geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz.

Bu soruya verilmiş 10 cevap daha var.