
Üst düzey yönetici olarak çalışmanın zor yanları nelerdir?


Two main challenges, the first, as the face of the organization, every single group -we are a big multinational- groups in New York and other divisions, they always start with me. So, I have lots of projects and requests flying from all over, and it is important to keep a strong sense of focus and prioritization to ensure that I don’t distract the organization by cascading them down to all of that. So, identify that what is really that drives the organization; financial results but also the organization growth, is critical and I keep my team focused on that. The second challenge is that as a general manager, I need to set example. So, if I want to drive the values of ethics, of compliance, governance, hard work, accountability, I need to be the first. And that’s not always easy, because we are human, we can make mistakes.

Bu metin otomatik olarak oluşturulmuştur. Hataları bildirerek geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilirsiniz.

Bu soruya verilmiş 3 cevap daha var.