
What does Finance Department do at Kraft Heinz?

Rafael Peixoto
Rafael Peixoto
ZBB, MBO, Supply Finance and Revenue Management Lead, Kraft Heinz

Very concept away the finest department feedsback the loop in organization. People are working and finance gets reserves and show back to the team ok guys is how it's been doing this month and also we provide a lot of thing sides so people can provide better plans for the next month and for learning cycle of the business. Going a little bit more in details in your not here to buy offs we're structured basically on three teams, there's my team who deals with the things I've told you about ZBB Supply Chain Finance revenue management and MBO. Then there's another team videos with the reporting part of the business making sure that our reserves makes sense and they tie up together that we report those results back to the unit. And there's a third part which does the accounting and control part of finest making sure that we have the proper controls and systems and routines in places that are results are really reliable and they translate the reality of the business.

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