
Could you describe a full day as ZBB, MBO, Supply Finance and Revenue Management Lead?

Rafael Peixoto
Rafael Peixoto
ZBB, MBO, Supply Finance and Revenue Management Lead, Kraft Heinz

Really cool thing about my job is that never the day is the same as a day before. Every day is completely different of course there are some important routines we repeat every week and every month but in a day I have a lot of flexibility to design my day the way out want in order to deliver the results I have to deliver so basically if I think in a month that's easier to explain then the day. My month is compromised with the closing when we close the results of the company and we analyze how we did at that mouth and after analyzing the reserves you understand the gaps we have versus what we are trying to achieve so every gap has to have a plan and then we work towards the month towards the week to deliver this those plans and close those gaps so that pretty much covers the routines and also a lot of projects are being run here we are growing very fast as a company so a lot of new challenges and approaches come up weekly and organize my day to interact a lot of though with the people how do i have to interact to the this projects are moving I ensure that are moving as fast as lead as they need to if I could summarize the day think that one-third of the time I spend analyzing results one-third interactive with people to make sure that the resumes come by and the gaps are closed during the mouth and one-third of the time are working incremental projects.

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