
What are the career opportunities Kraft Heinz? Does Kraft Heinz offer any global opportunities?

Louay Al -Tamimi
Louay Al -Tamimi
Assistant Export Manager, Kraft Heinz

The career possibilities in Kraft Heinz are a lot, you can be a Business Development Manager, you can be an Assistant Export Manager like myself, you can become a Commercial Director, a Commercial Head. In Kraft Heinz the global possibility is big, you can move around the world because we are a global company and have head offices in many continents. The good thing about Kraft Heinz is the possibility of moving not only external, you do not need to move another head office to get promoted or to move forward with your career. We have a lot of vertical movements, you can move to one role to another. Kraft Heinz believes in people’s skills. So I can be doing what I am doing right now, but down the line I can be doing something in Supply Chain if I prove myself doing very well at Planning. The possibility for you never stops. I started in IT, I did marketing and then working in sales. Yes I passed through some phases to reach that but it is a possibility to every student to explore what he likes or where his passion at.

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